Carrocci e Partners is a major international law firm, strategic management advisor and financial engineering consultant based in Lazio, Italy. Since 1992 the company has opened offices in Italy, Moldova, and now is preparing new offices in Romania. The company's major thrust since 1996 has been in the Moldavian market. Therefore Carrocci e Partners assists foreign investors, which are interested in the emerging markets, as well as Moldavian companies that are striving to tap financial resources. In this sense, the company's legal and financial specialists offer the following services for clients such as banks, multi-national corporations, professional firms, and governmental or non-governmental organizations:

Assistence for direct foreign investments in Moldova, regarding formation of joint ventures of foreing investment companies in Moldova, negotiation of trade, real estate and commercial agreements, negotiation with Moldavian government authorities, lobby, legal consulting, bookkeeping services, financial management, market research;

Strategic management for foreign investors in Moldova and for Moldavian business, as well as in two other emerging economies where the company is present;

Corporate financing, including trade, syndication, project financing as well as representation for foreign financial companies and banks in Moldova and other emerging markets;

International legal consulting, specializing in finance law, well as commercial shipping and transport law;

Restructuring and privatization (mergers and acquisitions) of state-owned companies.

As a result of its experience with the Moldavian and other emerging markets bureaucracies and its knowledge about the specific market requirements of the market, Carrocci e Partners is in the perfect position of advising foreign companies with full strategic logistic solutions.

In keeping with historical traditions, Carrocci e Partners is an independent reality with various important international relations able to provide legal and tax solutions and giving clients added value.
Our lawyers place their excellent level of assistance, professional and specialized competences and consolidated relations at the disposal of the clients.
The sophisticated services and our lawyers’ ability to operate at international level allows us to offer the firm to companies as partners in their growth processes.

The growing intervention of criminal controls on economic behaviors makes it vital for law firms which intend offering their assistance to companies to develop a series of skills in order to provide assistance in the pre-litigation phase. These skills aim at elaborating the best solutions for the protection of clients’ interests and the development of assistance for the litigation phase.
The close connection between criminal law issues and the more traditional corporate and tax specializations of the Firm have pushed it to develop a series of internal skills and to establish relations with some of the most prominent lawyers in criminal law for economic and corporate matters in order to offer their clients the best solutions in an area which is potentially vital for the growth and development of the business.